The comprehensive platform you need for adventure



eMail     Weather     Blog     Navigation     Chart     Research


PassageMail - built by adventurers of the most remote locations on earth to make communication from remote areas of the world more accessible. PassageMail is the comprehensive collection of tools you need when there is no internet. You will stay in touch, plan, navigate, obtain, and share essential information regarding your adventures into the most remote locations, where connectivity is poor at best. The PassageMail platform provides quick, efficient, and safe access to inbound and outbound messages. We do this by taking aggressive steps to eliminate SPAM, Malware, and Viruses, reducing message size, and using differential transfer technology. PassageMail allows you to focus the little bandwidth you have on what's important.


PassageMail Weather reporting makes it easy for you to obtain the weather maps and reports you need from weather services worldwide. Simply select, schedule, and request. The PassageMail platform does the rest. The PassageMail platform maintains your submissions and their schedules. PassageMail gathers the reports and maps you need so they are ready you have a connection. No need to fumble with cumbersome request services during an expedition. Plan and schedule what you need before departure, and PassageMail will get you what you need. Don't worry if you need more or fewer reports while exploring. The PassageMail app has the simplified menu right in your hand. You can select or deselect any report, and the PassageMail platform will update your report schedule accordingly the next time you connect.

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PasageMail Blog is the blog of your adventures on your own blog site. PassageMail Blog is a full-featured blog that provides a simplified interface to creating posts, adding photos, videos, and galleries. PassageMail Blog is an integrated part of PassageMail apps. It allows for simplified blog posting from remote locations while offline then synchronizes the next time you connect. No more waiting until you can load a web page to post your updates or waiting until you have regular internet to add your photos and videos. PassageMail Blog integrates with PassageMail weather and location services and auto-fills in location, heading, weather information, altitude, and other data directly into your new blog post. PassageMail makes it easy to include your stats so you can focus on your content. PassageMail Blog includes SEO settings specific to you, raising your blog's profile on the web and search engines.


PassageMail Navigation is a full-featured navigation application with simplified access to free government navigational charts. No more expensive subscription fees for your electronic charts! PassageMail Navigation supports NMEA integration to all your systems and instruments for live feeds and instrumentation. PassageMail Navigation includes an automated electronic logbook that records all your instrumentation data. PassageMail Navigation saves this data digitally and can display it in real-time on the screen, printed, or even bound for that special memory of any voyage.


PassageMail Chart provides NOAA-certified navigational paper charts. PassageMail Chart makes it easy to select the charts you need and get them delivered quickly. PassageMail Chart also provides upgraded chart options such as the waterproof charts and the PassageMail Indestructible chart that you could use underwater up to 100 feet! Deeper depths have not been tested :-). All PassageMail Chart upgrades include a standard NOAA-certified chart as well. So you get two charts! The one you use, and the one you use for inspections. PassageMail recommends that you always have paper charts with you on your voyages, expeditions, and adventures.


PassageMail Research members have access to PassageMail's unique research tool that makes collecting data, onsite observations, samples, and specimens quick and efficient. Identify the sample or observation, collect, snap the photo including the research organization's specimen label, and PassageMail research does the rest. PassageMail will OCR, data capture, location, time, date, photos, and comments. PassageMail Research saves the information in an internationally agreed format for simplified delivery to any research organization you are helping. PassageMail integrates with the OPDERA Unified Research Database. Your research is synchronized directly into the OPDERA Unified Research Database, providing immediate and simplified access to your research by the institution you are helping. PassageMail Research is built in cooperation with OPDERA.ORG, The truth about plastic waste in the world's oceans - This service is offered at no charge for those that ask for it. Please help to research the most remote areas of the world. You can help the world by becoming a citizen scientist.